Fiona Murray

May 19, 20202 min

Why Gardening is Good for You

1. Reduced risk of stroke According to medical research gardening can help reduce the risk of a heart attack or stroke. When looking at the age group 60+ gardening can help prolong life by up to as much as 30%.

2. Burns calories Gardening can be a hard workout depending on what you do and for how long. A simple 1 hour of gardening could help you to burn up to 330 calories.

3. Stress relief Gardening as a form of exercise can be good for you as it helps to release endorphins, the hormone that helps to make people feel satisfied and relaxed. Furthermore, being outside in direct contact with the sunlight could help improve your mood.

4. Improved immune system Also, another advantage of being outside is that sunlight can help you absorb vitamin D. Vitamin D can help your body to absorb calcium, which in turn, can help keep your bones strong and your immune system healthy.

5. Responsibility Maintaining your garden and keeping your plants alive is a responsibility. Having a reason to get up in the morning can be beneficial for those with mental health issues or those just looking for self-worth and purpose.

6. Live in the moment Being outside in your garden and experiencing the change of seasons as and when they happen can help you feel connected to the world.

7. Free anger therapy If you have experienced a bad day simply grabbing a spade and doing some heavy digging or drastic pruning could be a great way to rid of your negative feelings. Furthermore, destroying unwanted brambles and weeds is a convenient way to take out your anger on something that needs to be got rid of anyway!

8. Sensory Spending time in the garden is a great way to enhance your sensory system. With all the different smells, colours and textures of plants around you can easily make the most of your body’s senses.

9. Reduced risk of dementia There has been research that suggests engaging in a physical activity such as gardening can help lower the risk of developing dementia. For instance, one study following a group of people in their 60s and 70s for 16 years found that those who gardened regularly had between a 36% – 47% lower risk of developing dementia compared to non-gardeners.

10. Altered state of consciousness Gardening can help you enter the ‘zone’. This can also be known as an altered state of consciousness where you enter a magical and spiritual place where you can experience the best of who you are.

Once gardening you won’t need to worry about the bills you need to pay, upcoming deadlines at work or people who have done something to offend you. Just breathe in the fresh air, give some attention to your garden and forget about any worries you may have.

