Forget about staying on social media all day and ration your quantity of news.
Start a FREE Mindfulness course to help you concentrate on what is actually going on right now rather than worrying about what might happen. This is a good one :-
Exercise for 30 minutes every day, this helps with physical and mental health.
Grab a book off your shelves or get a FREE ebook from the library and transport yourself away through the pages of a story.
Remember all the things you have to be grateful for and start a Gratitude Journal, on paper or online or on your ‘phone. When you’re feeling low use it to help you remember all the good things in your life.
Connect with family and friends by giving them a call or sending them a message.
Do something you enjoy everyday. Painting ? Crafting ? Gardening ? Watching a film ?
Learn something new. There is a fantastic FREE range of courses from BBC language courses to university science stuff at FutureLearn.
Clean all the forgotten corners of your house. Now’s the time to tackle the ‘junk’ drawer or the shed!
Keep your routine, get up and go to bed at the same time, recreate the rhythm of your work and school days so that you’re ready when things return to normal!