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  • Writer's pictureFiona Murray

Women and Autism

Since females may be better at masking their symptoms, being an autistic female can feel particularly isolating. For many, exploring the idea of autism is an emotional process that involves revisiting childhood behaviour and social awkwardness as you realise that social communication and interaction have always been something you have had to learn consciously and the importance of repetitive and restrictive behaviour.

To help you feel less alone, try reaching out to others who may have a similar experience. For example :-

Not every woman living with autism will recognise that they have the condition Autistic Spectrum Disorder or Difference (ASD) or will necessarily view ASD as a condition that needs treatment. However, there are resources available for those who feel they need support and some will feel that a formal diagnosis will be of benefit as it finally explains why some situations are hard to navigate and allows those around them to begin to have some idea how to help when this happens. Whilst, living with ASD is a permanent feature, neuroplasticity and tested resources can help autistic people reduce behaviours that may negatively affect their quality of life and knowing that this evolutionary difference persists because it can convey significant advantages eg) in pattern matching can help you spend less time masking your differences and more time living the life you want to lead!

Even if you’re not ready to interact with someone, you can find blog posts, first-person stories, and mental health professional recommendations online. In addition, the following reading materials may help you better understand and be more accepting of yourself.

  • Thinking in Pictures. This is the first-hand account of Temple Grandin, PhD, one of the most well-known autistic females. She offers her perspective as both an accomplished scientist and an autistic female.

  • I Am AspienWoman. This award-winning book explores how females uniquely experience ASD across different ages. It also discusses how ASD may be more of a beneficial way of thinking than a condition that needs treatment.

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